Stitching with the housewives

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  • Stitching with the Housewives - Liberty Farm
    Stitching with the Housewives - Liberty Farm

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 134 x 85

    Voorgestelde draad :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo, Deep Blue Sea, Four Leaf Clover, Queen Bee, Ribbon Red, Steamed Broccoli, Stepping Stones, Tea and Biscuits, Wagon Wheel


    € 11,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - January
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - January

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo, Blushing Beauty, Deep Blue Sea, Ladybug, Pumpkin Harvest, Rain Shower, Trail Dust

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan erbij)

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - February
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - February

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde draad :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo (2x), Honeycomb, Licorice Red, Little Sprout, Old Money, Ripe Melon, Stepping Stones

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan erbij)

    € 10,50
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - March
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - March

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 67 x 98

    Voorgestelde draad :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo (2x), Chopped Chives, Ladybug, Pumpkin Harvest, Rain Shower, Queen Bee, Tea and Biscuits

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan…

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - April
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - April

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 68 x 98

    Voorgestelde draad :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo (2x), Four Leaf Clover, Embers, Ladybug, Pumpkin Harvest, Steamed Broccoli, Stepping Stones

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan…

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - May
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - May

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 65 x 98

    Voorgestelde draad :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo (2x), Deep Blue Sea, Honeycomb, Licorice Red, Old Money, Spinach

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan erbij)

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - June
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - June

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo (2x), Caramel, Queen Bee, Ribbon Red (2x), River Rocks, Steamed Broccoli, Tea and Biscuits

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan…

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - July
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - July

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo (2x), Deep Blue Sea, Four Leaf Clover, Honeycomb, Licorice Red, Muddy Puddle

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan erbij)

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - August
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - August

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo, Barn Door, Chopped Chives, Gingersnap, Honeycomb, Sassy Brass, Steamed Broccoli, Trail Dust

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren staan…

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - September
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - September

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo, Campfire, Honeycomb, Lighthouse, Little Sprout, Mariner's Compass, Pumpki Harvest, Sweet Potato, Wagon Wheel

    (de overeenstemmende…

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - October
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - October

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Aunt Marie's Violet, Bamboo (2x), Bean Sprout, Fallen Leaves, Finley Gold, Pumpkin Harvest, River Rocks

    (de overeenstemmende DMC-kleuren…

    € 10,00
  • Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - November
    Stitching with the Housewives - Truckin' Along - November

    Enkel het patroon !

    Aantal steken : 70 x 98

    Voorgestelde kleuren :

    Classic Colorworks : Bamboo, Barn Door, Brandied Pears, Fallen Leaves, Little Sprout, Queen Bee (2x), River Rocks, Tea and Biscuits

    (de overeenstemmende…

    € 10,00
    61 - 72 van 92 resultaten
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